Different types of seo in digital marketing – A Comprehensive Guide

 Different types of seo in digital marketing – A Comprehensive Guide

Before we deep dive into different types of seo, let us understand the concept of SEO. 

SEO stands for Search Engine optimization. It is a process of enhancing the online visibility of your website and driving organic traffic to your site by ranking better in different search engines like Google, Bing etc.

In this blog, we will see different types of seo techniques and how they help seo experts in devising new strategies of bringing traffic to your site.

  1. On page SEO 

It is a process of individually optimizing different elements of a web page such as content, seo title, keywords, meta description, HTML code, image optimization so that the web page rank higher in search engines and boost organic traffic of your website.It is different from off page seo which includes optimizing external factors such as backlinks and social media signals.

It includes some important elements such as

  1. Keyword optimization

Adding keywords which have low keyword difficulty and high search volume and avoiding keyword stuffing.

  1. High Quality SEO content

Writing quality, engaging and informative content which focuses on the needs of target audience

  1. Internal linking of web pages of a website

Internal Links can help search engines in crawling and indexing your different webpages of your site. It is the process of linking web pages of a  particular website.

  1. SEO title and meta description

Writing a title of 55 to 60 characters and a meta description of 155 to 160 characters is good from seo perspectives.

  1. URL structure 

Site’s url must be well optimized and it should include relevant keywords to help search engines understand the website content and improve ranking of that page.

   2) OFF page Optimization

    It is a process of establishing a website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of          search engines through various external factors such as building high quality backlinks, social media marketing. It is a process which you do outside of your website.

The most important element included in off page seo is link building. Getting good quality backlinks from highly authoritative websites not only increases your site’s credibility in the eyes of search engine rankings but also boosts traffic to your website.

There are various types of off-page seo methods which helps in getting good quality backlinks and also increases website’s authoritativeness. They are discussed as below

  1. Directory Submission

  2. Social Bookmarking Submission

  3. Guest Blogging

  4. Press Release Submission

  5. Article Submission 

  6. Image and Video Submission

  7. PDF/PPT Submission

  8. Blog submission

  9. Forum Submission

  10.  Question/Answer Submission

Another significant factor in off page seo is Social media. Posting your content on different social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram also helps in boosting traffic of your website.

3) Technical SEO 

Technical seo refers to optimization of various technical elements such as url structure, image optimizing, audit of your website,checking site load time i.e how fast your website loads when a particular user visits it, crawlability and indexing of web pages, use of canonical tags, generating xml sitemaps and many more factors which are useful from technical perspectives. 


  1. Website speed

Slow loading time of a web page deteriorates the user experience and ultimately it  affects the website traffic.Therefore Having faster loading time of a web page improves the page experience and it is considered as a ranking factor by Google.

  1. Image Optimization

Having images which are greater than 100kB in different webpages of your website increases the site load time and in turn reduces site’s traffic. Therefore one must use compressed images or images below 100kB. It will help in reducing site load time.

  1. Mobile Friendliness 

 With the growing use of mobile devices, Google prioritizes mobile friendly websites.Make sure that your site must be responsive and provide a better user experience.

  1. Crawlability and Indexability

Generating and submitting XML sitemaps helps search engines to understand the structure of a website. A sitemap is a file which is a collection of all important web pages of your website.Basically, a sitemap is a roadmap for search engines to navigate your website efficiently.

Using robots.txt file helps search engines crawlers on which urls the crawlers can access and which to avoid.

  1. Canonicalization

When similar content is present in different urls of a website, Google bots are unable to find out which url’s content is original, in this case the concept of canonicalization comes into picture.

A canonical tag(rel = “canonical”) is assigned to the original content and it helps search engines understand the most relevant content to display in search results, reducing duplicate content issues and ensuring proper indexing.

  1. Structured Data 

It refers to standardized format used to provide more information about a webpage’s content to search engines.It helps search engines in better understanding and context of information written on webpage.It is implemented using schema markup. It also appears as rich results in search engine result pages.

  1. Core Web Vitals 

Core web vitals are a group of  three specific metrics i.e. Largest Contentful Paint(LCP),First Input Delay(FID),Cumulative Layout Shift(CLS) that Google considers significant for assessing user experience on a web page.

  1. Largest Contentful Paint

It assesses the loading performance of a web page. It is the time taken by the largest element to load on a web page.LCP should be less than 2.5 seconds for better user experience.

  1. First Input Delay

It measures the interactivity on a web page.It is the time when a user interacts with a page to the time taken by the browser to respond. It should be less than 100 milliseconds or less for good user experience.

  1. Cumulative layout shift

It assesses the visual stability of a web page of a website. A good CLS should be equal to or less than 0.1 for better user experience.

These three metrics are very important from SEO Perspectives as they are considered to be important ranking factors and by improving these metrics chances of ranking your website in search engines will increase and provide a good user experience.


In the Digital Marketing World, each type of seo has its own significance and all are equally important for ranking a website on a first page of Google. Understanding all types of seo in a detailed manner and implementing diverse strategies are good for ranking your website, ultimately it drives the organic traffic to your website and builds a strong online presence in the digital world.



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